Peer Review Pocess

Peer Review Process for Journals

The peer review process is a crucial step in ensuring the quality and validity of scholarly articles before publication. Here's an overview of the peer review process followed by our journal:

Submission : Upon receiving a manuscript, the editorial office conducts an initial screening to ensure it meets the journal's scope and formatting guidelines. If deemed suitable, the manuscript proceeds to the peer review stage.

Selection of Reviewers : The editor-in-chief or handling editor selects expert reviewers with relevant expertise in the field. Reviewers are typically researchers or academics who have published extensively in the subject area of the manuscript.

Peer Review : Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on criteria such as originality, significance, methodology, clarity, and adherence to ethical standards. They provide detailed feedback, comments, and recommendations for improvement.

Editorial Decision : Based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes a decision on the manuscript. The possible decisions include:

   - Acceptance without revisions

   - Acceptance with minor revisions

   - Major revisions required

   - Rejection

Author Revision : If revisions are required, authors are given the opportunity to revise their manuscript in response to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. They must address each point raised by the reviewers and provide a detailed response to the editor.

Final Decision : After receiving the revised manuscript, the editor evaluates whether the revisions adequately address the reviewers' concerns. They may consult the original reviewers for their opinion on the revisions. Based on this evaluation, the editor makes a final decision on acceptance or rejection.

Publication : Accepted manuscripts proceed to the production stage, where they undergo copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. Once finalized, the article is published in the journal's upcoming issue.

Post-Publication Review : After publication, articles may undergo further scrutiny and feedback from the academic community through post-publication reviews, citations, and discussions.


Our journal is committed to upholding rigorous peer review standards to ensure the quality, integrity, and impact of the research published within its pages.